Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Thoughts from Scholars
"I would also like to thank Susan (at CCTV) for doing all of this for our program. It was nice that she would help us put videos on the website to show how much fun we had and to show our appreciation for the trip." - Bilal
"The mayor was really nice for letting us visit her. When the Mayor was finished talking, she gave us a key to the city and I liked that. I like that because it showed me that I am important and that I influence young people in my community. I'd like to thank other people like Robyn Bell (Cambridge Tourism) and Jeff Walker (Chief of Staff, Mayor) "The best and most inspiring thing of the day was when we met the mayor [of Cambridge]. It was such a great honor that a very important business woman would take time out of her busy life to talk with us. Going up to receive our keys [to the city] from the mayor has so far been the best moment of my life. I really felt like I’m going to make a difference in the world and but until that nothing will top this. " - Brandon
Day 3 Trip to Boston Scholar Reflections--Jamiah and Erica
MIT, Cambridge Community TV, Mayors Office--Keys to the City Award
"Today was such a great day filled with so many opportunities. We first attended MIT and we had some cool students who answered our questions. I learned that MIT is about engineering but you can also get into other fields like humanities. It’s a lot like BHS they said, but mostly math based. I love how homey and comforting MIT was.
We then went on a tour of the campus which was sooo abstract but beautiful at the same time. I just loved the setting.
We then went to the television station and it really broadened my range on fields I want to go in. I loved video-taping our little skits. It felt so natural for me. I am now interested in being a host of a TV show.
To top it all off we got the keys to Cambridge, Massachusetts by the mayor. This made me feel so honored and appreciated and made me want to do more. So now I’m shooting for my 4.0 to do all I can do possible knowing a whole city is counting on us. And the weather was PERFECT."--
Love Jay (Jamiah)
"Being a berkeley scholar means more than just being on a track to go to college; a scholar is a role model, an excellent person, and an involved student outside of academics. The image of a scholar is a prestigious image that is upheld at all times; scholars portray themselves in a professional manner throughout all vigorous activities. A scholar pushes through every obstacle that's thrown their way, in order to reach the goal set ahead. All these attributes make up a Berkeley scholar, and for those particular attributes that is why the Berkeley scholars program was awarded the keys to the city of Cambridge.
It was such a great honor to be presented with the keys to the city award. Meeting both the former mayor and current major was an honor itself. Also seeing the both of them have an extremely important part in Cambridge's history.
Honestly I myself and the scholars don't understand the true importance of this, but hopefully we soon will and cherish that moment. As well as future scholars after us will have to move to broader opportunities to receive a good education and go on more trips such as these. Speaking as a scholar, I would love to receive more acknowledgments such as the one given to us today."
Erica Gratton
Meeting the Mayor of Cambridge - What it means to me
"If Berkeley Scholars is a kid, meeting the Mayor and receiving the keys to the city was our puberty"
The essence of change was captured today in the Cambridge City Hall, while all of the scholars and college counselors watched in awe as the Mayor E. Denise Simmons told her words one after the other—each sentence being pounded and absorbed into our ears. We in BSC2, before coming to Cambridge, thought that life was already becoming “adult-like”, but having the privilege to come 3000 miles out to Cambridge and be honored in one of the highest ways possible to that city was just amazing.
Hearts pounded faster, pressed and ironed suits and dresses ruffled in the wind, backs were straightened, and chins were held up high each step closer to the Cambridge City Hall. Steps echoed in the main entrance, curving staircases curving to either side, as we all decide to turn up left, striding in two files with confidence. Hands are shaken, eyes levels are met, and we sit.
Slow-motion took over my body; a freeze-frame of this moment would remain with me forever. It amazed me and will always amaze me to see how far we scholars have come. It is truly an incredible experience to have been in. Seriously.
By: Benjamin Johnson
Day 2 Trip to Boston--A Day in Pictures
Day 2 Trip to Boston Reflections--Shantel and Shakti
Black Heritage Tour, African American Museum, Karmaloop and Young People's Project Forum.
"I really liked the Black Heritage Tour, it was very informational. I had no idea that Boston had so much history to it. My favorite part, which had the most impact, was when we walked through the alley way where runaway slaves would go to, while their slave masters were being beaten by hidden people in the community. It was overwhelming, just knowing that many people ran through that same alleyway panicking, not sure if they were going to live to the next day. This city has so much history to it. I liked the meeting with YPP. Even though I had a stomach ache I wanted to participate so I worked through it and had fun. It was fun to work with the students from Boston and exchange ideas."--Shantel Livingston
"Okay so today was a pretty busy and (as usual) cold day. First we woke up and ate breakfast. Afterwards, we played tag at the park. We then took a Black Heritage tour and I learned a lot, I know most books don’t teach us. We then went to an online fashion place (Karmaloop). It was really fun to know what the business is like. I asked a lot of questions about how to get a job there, start a business, and what classes to take to help make a business or get a job like that. Then after that we went to eat at a place which had almost every type of food. After we had lunch, we met with a group called YPP (Young People’s Project), where we spoke about the education we had. I got to talk to kids around my age. I learned a lot of what they like to do here in Boston.
Oh and here is some Boston Slang For Ya!!
Fiyah--That's hot
Mad Heads--A lot of people
and most importantly we taught them how to Jerk!!"
--Shakti Lewis
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Day 1 of Boston Trip - From Latiana (scholar)
After the tour of Northeastern, we had a small Q & A session with Tricia, the dean of admission, and we talked a little about our interests, different majors and fields, and what's needed in order to get into this university. The person with the highest GPA to get accepted at Northeastern had a 4.8 out of a 5.0, which is really amazing ! Tricia supported our program by giving us lunch coupons and we all went to get lunch inside of the cafeteria, next to the largest library in Boston.
After lunch, we walked to the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Susan gave us a tour. I loved how she was so energetic because we were so tired and if she would have been boring then I would have fallen asleep, so I appreciate her energy and I enjoyed seeing the beautiful visual art pieces. Even though I dont think I want to major in art or have an art career, I could see myself at that school because i do like to draw and there are no specific requirements or classes that you need to have or take in order to graduate from there.
Next, we got back on the T-Line and went to where we boarded a boat and got a tour of Boston in a boat, on the Charles River. The weather acted very funny. One minute the sun was out, the next minute it was raining, then the minute after that the wind blew with such force, creating the cold air, making my fingertips and toes freeze to the point where I didn't want to walk anymore.
I pushed through all the pain, all the coldness and finally made it back to our hotel.
We put on our pj's, ate pizza, reflected on our day, and I'm going to bed at 8:30 because I'm exhausted ! All and all, I enjoyed my first full day in Boston, MA and I cant wait till we explore our adventures tomorrow !
Monday, April 6, 2009
Berkeley Scholars - Departing Oakland Airport
10:00 - 1:00pm: Northeastern tour, admission presentation + lunch
4:00 – 5:30pm: Charles River, Boston Boat Tour
After our tour we will eat dinner, have a group meeting and write our daily reflections. I'm sure after all of which the scholars and the staff will be thoroughly tired, so they'll probably go fast to sleep.
Log-on tomorrow to see pictures and hear about the day from the scholars themselves!
Berkeley Scholar College Tour
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This is the second year of this trip and again I'm amazed on how all the pieces come together. I think this is a testament to the scholar's hard work and the Berkeley Scholar's program model. Just five minutes ago a current MIT student, who heard about the trip went out of his way to contact me to let me know he lobbied for us to receive FREE lunch after our visit with MIT. In addition he is working on getting us lunch at Harvard University and Tufts. I love to see so many people excited to greet and honor our Berkeley Scholars - it's truly an honor.