Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 2 Trip to Boston Reflections--Shantel and Shakti

Scholar Agenda:
Black Heritage Tour, African American Museum, Karmaloop and Young People's Project Forum.

"I really liked the Black Heritage Tour, it was very informational. I had no idea that Boston had so much history to it. My favorite part, which had the most impact, was when we walked through the alley way where runaway slaves would go to, while their slave masters were being beaten by hidden people in the community. It was overwhelming, just knowing that many people ran through that same alleyway panicking, not sure if they were going to live to the next day. This city has so much history to it. I liked the meeting with YPP. Even though I had a stomach ache I wanted to participate so I worked through it and had fun. It was fun to work with the students from Boston and exchange ideas."--Shantel Livingston

"Okay so today was a pretty busy and (as usual) cold day. First we woke up and ate breakfast. Afterwards, we played tag at the park. We then took a Black Heritage tour and I learned a lot, I know most books don’t teach us. We then went to an online fashion place (Karmaloop). It was really fun to know what the business is like. I asked a lot of questions about how to get a job there, start a business, and what classes to take to help make a business or get a job like that. Then after that we went to eat at a place which had almost every type of food. After we had lunch, we met with a group called YPP (Young People’s Project), where we spoke about the education we had. I got to talk to kids around my age. I learned a lot of what they like to do here in Boston.

Oh and here is some Boston Slang For Ya!!

Fiyah--That's hot
Mad Heads--A lot of people

and most importantly we taught them how to Jerk!!"

--Shakti Lewis

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